Pauli Murray Awtt Portrait

Swarthmore United Methodist Church Welcomes AWTT

Robin Wall Kimmerer Awtt Portrait
AWTT portrait of Robin Wall Kimmerer

Swarthmore United Methodist Church (SUMC) invites the public to experience six of Shetterly’s portraits, on display in the Sanctuary at 129 Park Avenue, beginning with an Opening at 4:00p.m. on September 20.  Happily, the Opening coincides with the Friday Food Truckathon and SUMC will provide seating (for dining) on the front lawn.

Portraits of Frederick Douglass, Amara Ifeji, Fannie Lou Hamer, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Pauli Murray, and Dick Gregory will remain on display through October 27.  The Rev. Alison DeLeo has planned a related 6-week sermon series, with activities for children and youth, to begin September 15 with Frederick Douglass and culminate on October 20 with Dick Gregory.

Fannie Lou Hamer Awtt Portrait
AWTT portrait of Fannie Lou Hamer

In addition to the September 20th opening and the ongoing sermon series, SUMC invites the public to the Front Lawn on Friday, October 11 to celebrate National Coming Out Day.  Among others, we will honor civil rights lawyer and activist Pauli Murray.  On Sunday, October 13 at noon, SUMC will host a discussion of “Braiding Sweetgrass,” by Robin Wall Kimmerer and, finally, on Election Day, November 5, inspired by Fannie Lou Hamer, volunteers will drive voters to the polls and provide other support to election workers.

In his Americans Who Tell the Truth portrait series, painter Robert Shetterly uses the power of art to illuminate the lives of activists in the ongoing struggle to realize America’s democratic ideals, and also to encourage all of us to become engaged citizens to address issues of social, racial, environmental, and economic justice.  Shetterly has captured the lives and images of more than 270 courageous activists, with passion and a unique style that moves and deeply inspires the viewer.

Go to SUMC website for more information about the exhibit hours and related activities.


Sep 20 2024 - Oct 27 2024


Check SUMC website for gallery hours and special events.
10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Swarthmore United Methodist Church
129 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, PA
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Bring Americans Who Tell the Truth (AWTT) original portraits to your community.