Fine Art Prints


Full size art reproductions are printed from 1-to-1 digital images on museum-quality, premium, archival Giclee paper. Like the portraits, the prints measure 30″ x 36″ not including the 2″ margin that facilitates matting and framing.

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Full size art reproductions are printed from 1-to-1 digital images on museum-quality, premium, archival Giclee paper. Like the portraits, the prints measure 30″ x 36″ not including the 2″ margin that facilitates matting and framing.

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Abraham Lincoln, Ady Barkan, Ai-jen Poo, Aldo Leopold, Alice Paul, Alice Rothchild, Alice Walker, Alice Waters, Alicia Garza, Amara Ifeji, Amy Goodman, Ann Wright, Anne Braden, Arthur Miller, Baldermar Velasquez, Barbara Johns, Bayard Rustin, Becci Ingram, Bernice Johnson Reagon, Betty Burkes, Betty Morgan, Bill Ayers, Bill Bigelow, Bill Griffin, Bill McKibben, Bill Moyers, Bob Moses, Bree Newsome, Bruce "Utah" Phillips, Bruce Gagnon, Bryan Stevenson, Bunny Greenhouse, Camilo Mejia, Carlos Muñoz, Jr., Carter G. Woodson, Cecil WIlliams, Cecile Richards, Cesar Estrada Chavez, Channapha Khamvongsa, Charles Hamilton Houston, Charlie Clements, Chelsea (Bradley) Manning, Chief Joseph, Hinmatóowyalahtq̓it, Chloe Maxmin, Chris Hedges, Cindy Sheehan, Claudette Colvin, Clifford Ryan, Clyde Kennard, Coleen Rowley, Colman McCarthy, Cynthia McKinney, Dahr Jamail, Daniel Ellsberg, Daniel Hale, Dave Zirin, David Barsamian, David Korten, David Ray Griffin, David Rovics, David Swanson, Dawn Wooten, Denise Altvater, Denise Giardina, Dennis Kucinich, Deqa Dhalac, Derrick Jensen, Diane WIlson, Dianna Cohen, Dick Gregory, Doris "Granny D" Haddock, Dorothea Lange, Dorothy Day, Dr. Margaret Flowers, Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, Dr. Paul Farmer, Dr. Quentin Young, Dr. Rev. William Barber II, Dwight Eisenhower, Edward Abbey, Edward Said, Edward Snowden, Eleanor Roosevelt, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Elizabeth Mumbet Freeman and Dolores Volk, Ella Baker, Emma Goldman, Emma Tenayuca, Erik Reece, Esther Attean, Eugene V. Debs, Eva Paterson, Eve Ensler, Fannie Lou Hamer, Father Roy Bourgeois, Florence Reed, Frances Crowe, Frances Moore Lappé, Frances Perkins, Frank Serpico, Frederick Douglass, George Seldes, Gerald E. Talbot, Gladys Vega, Grace Lee Boggs, Hal Crowther, Harriet Tubman, Harry Hay, Helen Keller, Helen Thomas, Henry A Wallace, Henry David Thoreau, Howard Zinn, Hugh Thompson Jr., Ida B. WElls, Ida Tarbell, James Baldwin, James Bell, James Douglass, James Hansen, Jane Addams, Jane Mayer, Janice Mirikitani, Jaysa Hunter-Mellers, Jeannette Rankin, Jennifer Harbury, Jesselyn Radack, Jim Harney, Jim Hightower, Joan Gussow, Joanna Macy, Jody WIlliams, John Brown, John Hunter, John Kiriakou, John Lewis, John Muir, John Renesbrink, Jon Oberg, Jonathan Kozol, Judy Bonds, Judy WIcks, Kandi Mossett, Kathleen Dean Moore, Kathy Kelly, Kelsey Juliana, Kevin Zeese, Kim Harris, Kim Hawkins, Kim Wasserman, Kristina Borjesson, Langston Hughes, Larry Gibson, Lateefah Simon, Leah Penniman, LeAlan Jones, Lewis Lapham, Lily Yeh, Lois Gibbs, Louis 'Studs' Terkel, Louis Brandeis, Louis Clark, Maja Kazazic, Major General Smedley Butler, Majora Carter, Malcom X, Mara Sapon-Shevin, Marcus Raskin, Margaret Chase Smith, Marian Wright Edelman, Marjorie Kelly, Mark Twain, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mary Bonauto, Maulian Dana, Medea Benjamin, Michael Pollan, Michael Winston, Michelle Alexander, Molly Ivins, Mother Jones, Muhammad Ali, Murphy Davis, Myles Horton, Nancy Carlsson-Paige, Naomi Klein, Natasha Mayers, Nicole & Jonas Maines, Nikki Giovanni, Noam Chomsky, Oren Lyons, Ossie Davis, Pat Humphries, Paul K. Chappell, Paul Robeson, Paul Wellstone, Pauli Murray, Perry Mann, Pete Seeger, Peter Davis, Peter Kellman, Peter Schumann, Philip Berrigan, Rachel Carson, Rachel Corrie, Ralph Ellison, Ralph Nader, Ramsey Clark, Ray McGovern, Reggie Harris, Regina Jackson, Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Reverend Jim Lewis, Richard Bowen, Richard Grossman, Rob McCall, Robert F. Kennedy, Robert Jensen, Robert Koehler, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Ron Kovic, Rosa Parks, Ross Gelbspan, Russell Libby, Samantha Smith, Sandra Steingraber, Sandy O, Scott Nearing, Shannon Watts, Sherri Mitchell, Shirley Chisholm, Sibel Edmonds, Sister Helen Prejean, Sister Lucy Poulin, Sojourner Truth, Stacey Abrams, Stacy Bannerman, Stan Goff, Stephen Ritz, Steven Donziger, Sue Coe, Susan B. Anthony, Tarana Burke, Teri Blanton, Terry Tempest WIlliams, Thomas Drake, Tilly Woodward, Tim DeChristopher, Upton Sinclair, Van Jones, W.E.B. Du Bois, Walt Whitman, Wendell Berry, Wilard Uphaus, Will Allen, William Rivers Pitt, William Sloane Coffin, Winona LaDuke, Woody Guthrie, Zoe Weil, Zora Beale Hurston, Zyahna Bryant

Portrait Posters

Art Prints

Social Justice Series

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Environmental Justice Series

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Truth Tellers Series

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Peacemakers Series

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Bring Americans Who Tell the Truth (AWTT) original portraits to your community.