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History, Advocacy, Portraiture: A Curriculum Created for North Carolina AWTT Exhibit

To support the big show of AWTT portraits set to open in Greensboro, North Carolina on November 14, 2015 at the International Civil Rights Center and Museum and at Guilford College, two University of North Carolina Greensboro professors have created a curriculum and guide for teachers who will engage their students with the AWTT portraits. 

When educator Ellie Richard began organizing what has become one of the largest exhibits of AWTT portraits, Jeannette Alarcon, PhD, and Leila E. Villaverde, PhD, volunteered to create a framework for bringing the portraits into the classroom. The inovative curriculum challenges students to find connections between History, Advocacy, Portraiture, and Identity, offering a way for students to begin to understand the intersections between these concepts and how, together, people contribute to history in their communities. 

While it is expected that the students studying this curriculum will attend the exhibit in Greensboro, any teacher anywhere could bring it into her/his classroom by starting with the Portrait Galleries section of the AWTT website. 

Contact information for Drs. Alarcon & Villaverde is in the curriculum.


Bring Americans Who Tell the Truth (AWTT) original portraits to your community.