Freelance Journalist Frances Madeson interviews Dahr Jamail about his recent book: The End of Ice: Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path Of Climate Disruption.
I believe the question of hope versus hopelessness is a false choice at this time. We have already failed, as a species…. The future is guaranteed to be catastrophic. This means we must grieve. We must feel, in full, the despair, sadness, rage, numbness that comes with accepting what has happened, is happening, and will continue to happen.
I live in a solar-powered home, grow most of my own food, and work toward annually reducing my already quite small carbon footprint. I work to inform people about what is happening to the planet and what needs to be done. I do these things because they are the right thing to do. I do not expect them to change the planetary crisis. I am honestly facing the fact that we are likely in a hospice situation with the planet, but doing the right thing anyway.
Read full interview in The Progressive.
More on The End of Ice from the publisher The New Press.