Robert Shetterly Receives Award from Maine Education Association

Mea Award Shetterly

AWTT artist Robert Shetterly was pleased to receive the Ashley Bryan Arts and Humanities Award last weekend during the Maine Education Association’s 95th Representative Assembly in South Portland. The annual Ashley Bryan award “honor(s) an individual in the fields of the arts and the humanities for their commitment to education and their work and advocacy […]

AWTT on National Writing Project Radio

Claudette Colvin Awtt Portrait

A February 2023, National Writing Project (NWP) podcast features artist Robert Shetterly, AWTT education director Connie Carter, and Richard Koch, founder of the Mindful Writing Workshop (MWW), as they speak with Tanya Baker, Director of Programs at the National Writing Project (NWP), about how to support young people to tell the truth and make a […]

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