April 22, 2020
Americans Who Tell the Truth
Browsing through the AWTT portrait gallery this morning, we’re finding 47 images of earth champions. Of course, this is only a small sampling of the tens of thousands of people who are working hard right now, prioritizing our climate crisis as their #1 issue.
On this 50th iteration of Earth Day, we take to heart these words of environmental activist Rev. Lennox Yearwood:
“It is time for America to unleash its entrepreneurial can-do spirit through a war-time like mobilization to help save America and the world.” The number “zero” is the most important number of our time, because “[a]ny chance of stabilizing the climate hinges on transitioning to zero greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as humanly possible.” Keeping his eye on lifting people from poverty, he says that “[i]nnovating to zero emissions will not only help ensure our collective survival, it is the key to revitalizing our ailing economy and putting America back to work.”
Virtual Earth Day events are happening all over the world this week. Join in, be inspired, and get to work!